Protocol Conformance Testing


Today’s communications protocols are complex. Every day, new protocol specifications, requests for comment (RFCs), and enhancements are published by standards organizations. Service providers must make sure the devices they deploy perform correctly. NEMs seek to ensure that their products conform to industry standards and interoperate successfully with other vendors’ products.
Early conformance testing ensures higher product quality. This quality has a significant payoff—problems found after deployment can cost 100 times more to fix than those found in the lab. Security loopholes and vulnerabilities resulting from erroneous protocol implementations can damage a company’s reputation and incur legal liability.


Ixia’s IxANVL is the industry standard and leader for automated network protocol validation. IxANVL’s tests are used to determine whether a device’s protocol implementation meets specifications, how well a device handles traffic from non-compliant network components, and the effect of new features on existing software through regression testing.